Anyone who spends any time in the woods and open fields knows how annoying mosquitoes and other insects can be. They constantly sting, bite and buzz around your head. Insects can detect the scent of prey from great distances. Like the hunter, they are hunting day and night. And if you are unlucky, you take the consequences of their hunt home with you. Antibite is the first sustainable solution to this problem.


Buzzing flies, stinging and biting insects, how annoying is that? They perceive you from a great distance and are on the prowl, day and night. Flies, wasps, ticks, they can be a great nuisance. These insects are not only irritating, despite their size, they are among the deadliest animals in the world. With climate change and the fact that today we travel greater distances than ever before, the risk of being bitten and infected has increased significantly. Of today’s global population, 80% are at risk of disease transmission from insects. Swedteam now comes up with a first, the first sustainable and effective solution to this problem. Swedteam holds the exclusive rights to treat hunting clothes with Antibite™ in Europe.


Antibite™ is a new technique for treating textiles with an insect repellent. The basic ingredient of Antibite™ is Ethylbutylacetylaminopropionaat, a substance that has been on the market for more than 30 years and is based on a natural amino acid. A research group at the University of Minho in Portugal has found a way to use nanotechnology to impregnate clothing with Ethylbutylacetylaminopropionaat. This technique is known as Antibite™


Insects use their sense of smell to find their way around nature. Ethylbutylacetylaminopropionaat is based on a natural amino acid, which is found in the human body, and emits an odour signal that warns insects to stay away. Because Antibite™ is designed to repel rather than eradicate, insects do not develop any resistance to it and it is not a reproductive inhibitor, as most traditional insect repellents currently on the market are. Antibite™ is unscented and has no side effects, is environmentally friendly and poses no danger to flora and/or fauna.


Antibite™ is applied directly to finished garments using nanotechnology. As it penetrates the textile fibres, it increases its efficient action which is guaranteed for a minimum of 80 washes. During the 80 washes where the washing instructions are followed, the efficient effect decreases by less than 2% from 99% to 97.2%. After approximately 125 washes, there is virtually no effective effect of the substance.


With Antibite™, you do not need to use any other insect repellent. Because the active ingredient is in your clothing, you are protected as long as you wear the clothing. It does not compromise the quality or appearance of the clothing. Antibite™ retains its effectiveness for at least 80 washes. The fabric is completely eco-friendly, meaning that the protection does not harm flora and/or fauna. Antibite™ is an all-natural fabric and does not cause allergies or other types of disorders to the user.